
mostly uses Kumu, and has built maps for the Digital Life Collective, Care.Lab, 10.10.10, and more. She is currently building software to help communities build maps as strategic tools to address resilience and climate adaptation.

uses TheBrain and publishes his openly at You can see him use his Brain to explain potatoes, Nikola Tesla and some startups.

uses XMind and iThoughts after years with VisualMind. Mapping journey launched aeons ago following workshop with Michael Gelb, protege of mindmapping progenitor Tony Buzan. Co-learner in Howard Rheingold's Think-Know Tools and Literacy of Cooperation. Involved in the Wise Democracy Project with Tom Atlee (now in V2, note Kumu map for V1 by Robert Best), Climate Change and Consciousness, Resonance Code Research Lab, and decentralized org (DAO) experiments. Big fan of Metamaps. Radio producer currently at LoRa (97.5FM) in Zurich.

Michael Linton

is all about money, but not as we know it, and mainly uses Kumu to map and display how money patterns matter.